i've gone past the point of caring. my style has turned into a kind of laissez-faire mixture of sequins and bright colours all thrown together. maybe it's the looseness of spring or the building stress of the last push through this school year. either way, there's a lack of response from me in general.
as i was looking through my closet early this morning i was wondering... is it even possible anymore to come up with a truely original idea. all the shapes and styles seem to be dug up from past ones. with the layers of red spandex, victorian lockets, and mini dresses it seems like i've become a mixture of every single generation before me. it is sad, but our generation really has nothing to say, nothing to show for what has occured. though we might look at the 80's with a bit of a laughing disgust, at least they had a personality. something original about them that defined their generation. the overall tackiness reflects who they were. today we're nothing but a mixture of old fashion dreams.
that's what i'm feeling these days too...
good to know i'm not alone :)
i completely agree. it just looks like all the good ideas have been already taken.
I'm feeling that too, although I still like looking back to the past. Seems like we're going to be the sweatsuit generation..
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