So I went to my brother's talent show the other night. And for the most part, I didn't like it. Once in a while there were creative and individual acts, but most of the acts were these elementary school girls singing and dancing to songs like madonna's "Material Girl" and that "Fabulous" song that I just discovered was from High School Musical. (I also heard some songs about being Rockstars and famous and stuff...think Miley Cyrus?) Anywhoo, I thought it was really sad. It was sad because I'm watching these young girls sing and dance with pink puffy boas and sunglasses and fake cell phones and they're all just singing about how they need all of these things to be rich, and famous, and happy, and glamorous. And their parents are sitting eagerly at the edge of their seats, whistling and cheering and clapping and fussing with their video cameras in reaction to their daughters' "amazing talent". Its so sad. I feel like this society makes a lot of young girls want to be famous, and be celebs, and be glamorous, and beautiful all the time. More girls would rather be a shopping assistant to the stars than sitting in the Supreme Court. Sure, in America, more girls are going to college than boys, but some part of me is still upset at the fact that society wants women to fit in this mold. These poor girls, trying so hard to be glamorous, and pretty, and singing songs about fame, and fabulocity when they could just be themselves.
And the focus on materialism. Like you NEED all of these things to be a lady. You NEED a super cute LBD. You NEED a sick pair of stilettos. You NEED the perfect mascara.
Ugh, I'm just sick of it.
I don't want you to be famous.
I don't want you to be glamorous.
I just want you to be you.
Is that too much to ask?
Agreed. So many girls at my school as young as 9 and 10 walk around with iphones and Juicy sweats and DATE. Disturbing.
i agree with what you said about materialism, but the girls weren't singing those songs to support their messages, they were singing them because they were fun songs that lots of people knew. I'm sure those girls don't actually think those songs suggest a "realistic" lifestyle. :)
well said.
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