this isn't meant to be a holy-er than thou post. just something i've noticed. i love old clothes. they seem to have a character showing through. they've been somewhere and they have a story. i have a pair of old pink shoes that have been with me to both italy and france. they have a meaning and no matter how old they are i still love them and wear them continually. lately i feel people have been misguided by the whole "excess is better" idea towards what they wear. as colourful and as wonderful as the new 80's style has been the whole obsession with extra has got me a bit bothered. though i love the array of colours i've seen all the new clothing is such a waste. it's cheap and disposable and means nothing. i was watching bbc yesterday and they stated that over 2 million tons of clothing was disposed of last year in the UK alone. being repackaged and sold at all the label stores, only to dispose of it 5 months later when that style becomes no longer cool. i hate that aspect of fashion and how people feel they must buy new materials in order to experience fashion.
vintage is the solution, at least for me. i always feel better after buying old clothes because they are a consious decision. i have to trust my own opinion on things. as one walks through thousands of mindless label stores they know that whatever they pick, people will like. There's not the same encouragement with vintage, and therefore all the more risk. in a wierd way, i really like that. the clothes i buy from vintage stores are completely unique and usually a bit kooky and exciting. i feel no excess and i feel no waste.
you totally just ripped off this poster we have at school of an old indian dude which says that
sorry, didn't rip on the indian dude. i got in from adbusters so it's a pretty common quote.
damnit i was gonna ask if you got it from me
bahaha its on my facebook page since forever ago
p.s its vicki
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