Chloé has always been one of my favourite lines. so simple yet elegant. the frills are light and flowing and there's a fluidity in the designs that seems to speak to the constant change of the season. the elements of bohemian are present without the feelings of angsty rebellion. the fine balance of electrifying colours and simple basics keeps to the theme of youthfulness without all the setbacks. a sense of the carefree and a consiousness of the present moment.

there's a whole feeling of dressing up to accept the day. for you never know what will come or who you will meet. i feel we have lost this feeling of hope and there is a jaded overcast that has come over our style minds. the complicated excess of the 80's styles is one example. we need to relax and enjoy what comes. be present in the moment. this simple reality is also represented in the paintings of Renoir which demonstrate similar Choé-eque ideals.

the clothing in this painting "luncheon of the boating party" is relaxed with small touches. continual growth and change and to simply flow with life. there's an optimism in the light and the dark fabric and the natural flowers. in the relaxation there is a sense of fearlessness and youth. this is a feeling that we desperately need back.
I love the Chloe line!!
i really get where you're coming from regarding the current 80's O.D.
lee, i love your posts :)
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