30 March 2008
life lessons and a half
I'd like to continue on Emelyene's point...almost on another tangent. I recently came across a quote while reading that exclaims, "'Eccentric' glamour is key. Developing an idiosyncratic sense of style is your only defense against this tidal wave of lady lumps, hoochie hot pants, and skanky halter tops. Embracing the life of a glamourous eccentric is easier than you would imagine..." In a world that separates personal style so far from the passing trends, to be glamorous (in one's wardrobe and overall), is to be happy. Browse through the fashion week reports and flip through the glossy pages of intricate couture and sassy ready-to wear with all your heart's desire. Yet pick out your own personal treasure like a magpie, and build your nest of expression. Wear your favorite neon spandex with the confidence that you are intoxicated with happiness wearing them. Sport your junker high-tops that your mom has been begging you to chuck out remembering the desire that you had to save and save and save for them. And don the elegant, black, silky smooth one-piece that you pined for while others picked out their bikinis. These objects have been imagined in the creative minds of individuals to be worn in an endless number of ways; this visionary choice is left up to you. The possibilities are endless. Yet you must not forget that not only are the clothes you are wearing beautiful, but that you are a marvelous, exotic creature; do not drown your individual beauty in the mainstream.
29 March 2008
design four and yellow days
i really enjoy this mixture of colours. the bright yellows and reds. the variety of yellows in picasso's portrait of adele block bauer is simply the essence of happiness. i can't look at that painting without smiling. also the hidden jolt of bold turquoise colour in the balenciaga design creates a contrast that is so exciting. i'm really looking forward to the mesh of nu-rave and bohemian. the in-between faze from 80's wildness and relaxed summer. with this mixture in mind i took a few photos of my sister.

28 March 2008
only one
Ah, with spring finally approaching i will get a chance to wear my menswear one piece with out any shorts. I bought it at Betsey Johnson this past winter. I like the playfulness of it, but the black canvas-y material makes it a bit nicer(in my opinion) then just a beach romper. Thus far I have only been able to wear it with tights. However, I soon plan to ditch the tights and wear it with some sandals or flats!
Here I am wearing maroon tights with it.

Not so attractive photo above. Eek.
I like to wear it with my beret, i feel the beret suits it nicely, ironically the beret is from Betsey Johnson too!

The end.
Here I am wearing maroon tights with it.

Not so attractive photo above. Eek.
I like to wear it with my beret, i feel the beret suits it nicely, ironically the beret is from Betsey Johnson too!
The end.
living in the plastic age
so swoon baby starry nights

although clothes are among the most individual creation of civilization, fashion, which follows clothes like a shadow, stimulates the imitative instinct. psychologists regard imitation as a form of biological self-defence, the natural reflex of the herd-animal. the comparison with human society is an obvious one.
a fashion is meant to be copied by everyone, but, paradoxically, the fashionably dressed individual expects to stand out in a crowd. man adapts himself to his surroundings, he adopts the current fashion and at the same time he seeks to distinguish himself by means of this very fashion; he copies others, yet in doing so he attempts to find the style which suits him best and helps him to realize his image of himself. fashion is thus a fashion of opposites. when i translate this trend to myself, though i don't necessarily think of myself as a copier, i continually find myself inspired by the objects and the people around me. the world inspires me, and in this way, i'm okay with being a reflection of society.
27 March 2008
A Product of Study Hall; and no, it's not homework.
The wooden walls sink beneath the abundance of crème paint splattered across the ceiling. The hollow pit I so strategically sat in the corner of echo’s the sound of the only other existence placed inside this emptiness. This music mirrors off of the walls as delicately as a crisp autumn day’s reflection. The only thing connecting the music to me is the urge to breakout, the passion to escape.
The steady, vibrating beat of the melody collapses my exterior shield. It melts away the boundaries, which were locking me out of my own home. Crème begins to drips down onto the unstable carpet below. A glimpse of an untouched sky begins to appear as the ceiling deteriorates. Light filters into my inexperienced eyes, familiar with this nostalgic scenery. Heaven pours into the room.
My fingertips begin to flourish with the feeling of security, and hospitality of the arms of the trees sweeps me away into a land of the unknown. It is not a horrific place that is revealed when my eyelids begin to flutter and readjust to my new surroundings. Every inch of my body is submerged beneath a cool liquid, enveloping my existence in its serene waves.
I know where I am. Right where I need to be, right where I want to be, right where I belong. My face embraces a smile while the warmth of happiness conquers over the temperature of the pool. I’m mesmerized just by the simplicity of the game that is about to occur. I fall deeper and deeper into the ripples that hide my passion, hypnotized by the slight possibility that today could be the day.
I smile again. Braces and everything. Proud to finally show myself out to the world. I reach and yearn for the surface of the water....
Keep Dreaming,
After all, we're all Dreamers.
-taelor elizabeth
life lessons

what is the formula for "pulling off" a ridiculous, eccentric ensemble? what qualifications must one posses in order to do so? one browses facehunter seeing outfit after outfit that is incomprehensibly ridiculous and creative. one lusts over it, wishes to recreate it, but cannot "pull it off". these photogenic people dressed in obscure labels are somehow superior, though you can't put your finger on it. something about them enables them to wear a feathered headdress while you are stuck in your skinny jeans and sea of american apparel basics.
some say it's a way of carrying yourself, a certain confidence. some label it as "the it factor", and we as a society are meant to accept this ridiculous term and utilize it in conversation about the facehunter crowd. look again. these are average people in above-average clothing. there is no "it factor". there are no labels that can be applied to those who are captured by the lens.
the moral of the story: do not settle for mediocrity. don't repress expression because you can't "pull it off". societal clichés mean absolutely nothing.
its overwhelming but what else can we do?
when in london,i went to bjork's favorite boutique

weird name, no? still the clothes were fabulous.
like technicolor-nu rave stuff with a boho twist(i cant believe i just wrote this sentence).
there were pieces from cassette playa which i love.
oh and if you ever happen to be there,buy the cd they compile themselves.
there was a nice backpack too, but i forgot to take a picture of it.

i read lee's post and i totally agree.
26 March 2008
i think i'd rather misbehave.
bonjour tout le monde.
i'm back and wont take nearly as long to make another post. promise.
One day i came across a picture of a girl that really impressed me. She had a style that was simply and beautifully hers. I could tell from first glance that,sure, she took inspiration from others, but her look was completely personal.I had the pleasure of interviewing this cool chick last month. so here's a little bit of the interview. Presenting....Jane Magnitude ;)
what is your fashion inspiration (person,place,band,magazine,celebrity, nature etc)?
I am largely inspired by the late sixties and early seventies psychedelic movement, also I am inspired by art house films, old sixties star trek episodes, spaghetti westerns, and of course the desert (i just recently spent six weeks in the desert in october/november, it was beautiful) As far as people go I am inspired by Jane Birkin, Francoise Hardy, Kate Moss (of course), Penelope Tree, Janis Joplin, Mary-kate Olsen, Brigitte Bardot ( my ultimate style icon), Twiggy, and Anna Karina.
how do you feel about trends&fads?
Well, I can't say that I am not inspired by trends or fads, but I try to stick with classic things and not get caught up in what's big for the next five minutes. I think that people should let their own personal style show through, but there is nothing wrong with adopting some trends and fads, it's bound to happen.
what makes fashion so special to you?
How you present yourself is such a big part of our culture and I am just fascinated with style and expressing yourself through what you put on your body, it's so strange.

I absolutely love Jane's style and her outlook on fashion. It's weird how different people get their inspiration from such crazy places like spaghetti westerns. Open your eyes everyone who knows where you'll get your next idea from ;) Hope everyone loves this girl!
i'm back and wont take nearly as long to make another post. promise.
One day i came across a picture of a girl that really impressed me. She had a style that was simply and beautifully hers. I could tell from first glance that,sure, she took inspiration from others, but her look was completely personal.I had the pleasure of interviewing this cool chick last month. so here's a little bit of the interview. Presenting....Jane Magnitude ;)

I am largely inspired by the late sixties and early seventies psychedelic movement, also I am inspired by art house films, old sixties star trek episodes, spaghetti westerns, and of course the desert (i just recently spent six weeks in the desert in october/november, it was beautiful) As far as people go I am inspired by Jane Birkin, Francoise Hardy, Kate Moss (of course), Penelope Tree, Janis Joplin, Mary-kate Olsen, Brigitte Bardot ( my ultimate style icon), Twiggy, and Anna Karina.
how do you feel about trends&fads?
Well, I can't say that I am not inspired by trends or fads, but I try to stick with classic things and not get caught up in what's big for the next five minutes. I think that people should let their own personal style show through, but there is nothing wrong with adopting some trends and fads, it's bound to happen.
what makes fashion so special to you?
How you present yourself is such a big part of our culture and I am just fascinated with style and expressing yourself through what you put on your body, it's so strange.

I absolutely love Jane's style and her outlook on fashion. It's weird how different people get their inspiration from such crazy places like spaghetti westerns. Open your eyes everyone who knows where you'll get your next idea from ;) Hope everyone loves this girl!
bought japanese diy candy
new around here.
get used to me.
get used to my not making sense.
so i went to london
got that done.
it was fun.
i had my supercolor with me.
its nice to be a marauder actually.
ill be back.with longer posts.and more pictures
bye for now.

it's chloé and the artist

Chloé has always been one of my favourite lines. so simple yet elegant. the frills are light and flowing and there's a fluidity in the designs that seems to speak to the constant change of the season. the elements of bohemian are present without the feelings of angsty rebellion. the fine balance of electrifying colours and simple basics keeps to the theme of youthfulness without all the setbacks. a sense of the carefree and a consiousness of the present moment.

there's a whole feeling of dressing up to accept the day. for you never know what will come or who you will meet. i feel we have lost this feeling of hope and there is a jaded overcast that has come over our style minds. the complicated excess of the 80's styles is one example. we need to relax and enjoy what comes. be present in the moment. this simple reality is also represented in the paintings of Renoir which demonstrate similar Choé-eque ideals.

the clothing in this painting "luncheon of the boating party" is relaxed with small touches. continual growth and change and to simply flow with life. there's an optimism in the light and the dark fabric and the natural flowers. in the relaxation there is a sense of fearlessness and youth. this is a feeling that we desperately need back.
find a song to sing that is everything
modern nature does not promise...
technicolor dreams
and old fashioned men always want a mistress
the paths that your eyes wander down, they want to come too
no one understands her quite like you do
through all the shadowy corners of you
the paths that your eyes wander down, they want to come too
no one understands her quite like you do
through all the shadowy corners of you
25 March 2008
What has today's society come to?
Some 13 year-old fashionista wanna-be told me this today- i cannot believe anyone would ever say this
"natural beauty is for lazy people,I wear make-up"
"Guess that makes you not lazy and artificially beautiful."
isn't that sad?
"natural beauty is for lazy people,I wear make-up"
"Guess that makes you not lazy and artificially beautiful."
isn't that sad?
24 March 2008
neon signs follow us to the cities outside.

the images of alison goldfrapp, for the new album seventh tree, have got me inspired. the whole etheral clown look is a fine substitute for the overabundance of the 80's styles, and with just the same amount of colour. the mixture is playful and young with a hint of nonstalgia which feels perfect for the change from spring to summer. the carelessness and freedom provoked from these images is a feel that i would like to channel this spring. as highschool is drifting away there are still some last hopes for happy times.
Spring Fever...
Some call it spring, I call it love. I was walking the other day and saw a tree budding. I captured that first scene of spring in my head and im feeling pretty inspired. But when it comes to the latest trends, the spring scene has been slowly coming around(at least quicker then those budding trees),like sundresses with florals and wide-leg pants exc. So the other day i was looking through my mom's closet (after finding her vintage Dooney&Bourke bag i've been praying for another discovery) and i found this dress,slightly drab looking but after i put it on i fell in love. I find it has a 70's,cool but yet classy feel. Im feeling this season is off to a pretty good start.
23 March 2008
Frolic through the flowers
Ah, well this outfit ended up serving three purposes
Me and my friend went to Philadelphia! It was quite fun. I wore this outfit into the city. I changed as soon as we got to the hotel room. So since I didn't actually wear it out that day anywhere I wore it out shopping the next day. Then I wore today on Easter. The florals remind me of spring even though the weather still has winter reminiscences.

just so everyone knows I go other places besides my room...awkward picture.haha, The scene is kinda nice though!

Happy Easter everyone
Me and my friend went to Philadelphia! It was quite fun. I wore this outfit into the city. I changed as soon as we got to the hotel room. So since I didn't actually wear it out that day anywhere I wore it out shopping the next day. Then I wore today on Easter. The florals remind me of spring even though the weather still has winter reminiscences.
just so everyone knows I go other places besides my room...awkward picture.haha, The scene is kinda nice though!
Happy Easter everyone
the vintage aesthetic - a visual essay

this isn't meant to be a holy-er than thou post. just something i've noticed. i love old clothes. they seem to have a character showing through. they've been somewhere and they have a story. i have a pair of old pink shoes that have been with me to both italy and france. they have a meaning and no matter how old they are i still love them and wear them continually. lately i feel people have been misguided by the whole "excess is better" idea towards what they wear. as colourful and as wonderful as the new 80's style has been the whole obsession with extra has got me a bit bothered. though i love the array of colours i've seen all the new clothing is such a waste. it's cheap and disposable and means nothing. i was watching bbc yesterday and they stated that over 2 million tons of clothing was disposed of last year in the UK alone. being repackaged and sold at all the label stores, only to dispose of it 5 months later when that style becomes no longer cool. i hate that aspect of fashion and how people feel they must buy new materials in order to experience fashion.
vintage is the solution, at least for me. i always feel better after buying old clothes because they are a consious decision. i have to trust my own opinion on things. as one walks through thousands of mindless label stores they know that whatever they pick, people will like. There's not the same encouragement with vintage, and therefore all the more risk. in a wierd way, i really like that. the clothes i buy from vintage stores are completely unique and usually a bit kooky and exciting. i feel no excess and i feel no waste.
22 March 2008
i wanna be like charlie
21 March 2008
I Did It Myself
It seems as if no one embraces wide leg pants as they do their polar opposite: skinnies. Since the general public has decided to turn aside to the pant I wish I would see more often, I went to Old Navy and bought myself a pair. If this is a trend that won't take off, I'm sinking with it.
Oh, and the rack of wideleg pants was still completely full when I went back to Old Navy a week and a half later.

- Nay'Chelle (now a semi-newbie)
Oh, and the rack of wideleg pants was still completely full when I went back to Old Navy a week and a half later.

20 March 2008
my wonderland
19 March 2008
Whats old is new
My mom gave me her frye boots back in December. I had begged for them since the day she got them. I finally had them, and I never wore them. I remembered them today, and once again because of my spring break boredom, put together an outfit. I am afraid the boots are a bit clunky. I am petite, and they kinda weigh me down, but I still think they are pretty swell!
The bootsThe outfit
some candy talking
18 March 2008
geeky chic
Ha, I have always worn my highwaist jeans in a more chic outfit......However, my boredom combines with some inspiration from some very savvy sisters, I put this together. Im not positive it works, because i usually wear flats, but i thought i would try it out! Glasses, white tee shirt, stripey cardigan, highwaist jeans, converse, blue head band, glasses


17 March 2008
Never, never.
Got the sewing itch and practiced on some worn-out American Apparel tees by changing them into tanks:
They're not perfect but I think they'll come in handy in L.A. (ONE WEEK CHYEAH) I started packing today and realized that I still have a while to go.
I'm all about affordable fashion, living in suburban Ohio. So I'm getting pretty excited for the Subversive for Target to come out. Anyone else with me?
lots of little
I decided that the flash on my camera majorly washes out the entire world! so i like to use non flash, but it isnt very good at night....for obvious reasons. So i took a bunch of pictures at different angles, etc. Whoooo, i suppose i shall wear this to hang out with some friends on Tuesday. Should be quite fun. New glasses too!
I am currently on spring break, I have to do my physics project, other school work, go to practice, find this persons shirt...and basically go no where but practice.....and home. eeek!
Anyone doing anything exciting over break?

I am currently on spring break, I have to do my physics project, other school work, go to practice, find this persons shirt...and basically go no where but practice.....and home. eeek!
Anyone doing anything exciting over break?
16 March 2008
what i loved.

What I like most about fashion is how it's inspired by something. You can look at a plant, a steam-roller, a person or a painting and you can recreate it in fashion by showing what that item means to you. Fashion is personal. It’s not just money and trends, it's thought expressed through what you wear. I really like that.
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