I think it's funny how time plays with us. In the end, time controls all. All sound, all movement, all emotion. Everything. But here's what I've noticed. Everything seems to have a beginnnig, climax, and then end. The longer it lasts, the more it challenges time perhaps, but Father Time will always prevail. It just seems so interesting that this format can be applied to almost everything that ever happens on this planet. THink of a piece of music. It starts out, it grows to a climax, and then it calms down again. Think of a poem. Think of a flower. It starts out as a seed, sprouts out of the ground, grows, blossoms, then shrivels up and dies.
Ooh here's a scary thought.
Think of you. Think of us. Think of everyone.
We are still growing, like the flower, like the music, like the poem. And then it seems that we'll reach our climax, and after that it is finally time to go.
Which I guess makes me a little nervous. I know this is all going to happen to me, but wouldn't it be scary to know EVERYTHING about your future self. But how do you know when you've reached the climactic point of your life? When will I know? When it's too late?
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