it's madness. it's crazy. i love it.
this is josh clancy who recently joined our facebook group. i'd like to choose him as style of the week.
not only because his clothes rock, but they convey an instant personality. everyday we see hundreds of people, and one may say that it's shallow to judge them by their outfit. really, your style reveals so much about you.
i have never been against those who choose to follow labels or trends. what i'm against is that they do not realize what it means when you wear these outfits. do you really want to advertise a company across your nunga nungas? is this company really that meaningful to you?
i don't think people should be considered as a piece of advertising ground. be wild. wear what you like.
ilove the choice for style of the week. as you said, his clothes choices really say alot about him.
i love it
He is so cool. Those sunglasses really rock with the multi colors!
he looks like calvin harris crossed paulo nutini!!
i admire guys that can carry this off
he's too fabulous for words! he's so cool...ahhh! I L-O-V-E him! haha.
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