"Time flies when you're having fun!"
Yeah..thats what they all say. But think about it, the importance of time. Time is the very rhythm that our hearts beat at, time is in the air that we breathe, the words that we say, the outfits we wear, the pictures we paint. Time is everywhere. Being a musician, I guess that I am very sensitive to time. You have to place each note exactly right after all...but one thing that I think is interesting about time is how fast/slow it seems to go. How ironic is it that something that is and has been perfectly stationary since forever can sometimes seem fast, and sometimes seem slow. I remember being a tiny little freshman (okay..so I probably wasn't tiny) at freshman orientation, and I remember clearly what our principal told us. He said that, "High school will go by so fast, you won't even know where it went!". I sat there like...okay...can I just find out where my locker is please? So I imagined myself turning the combo on my locker and opening it. Sooner rather than later, I was there. Whoa, I thought, that went by fast. And I completely forgot everything else. It was just this weird feeling. Other times though, like when you're little, and your Mum gives you a time out for expressing your artistic talents on the wall? (Say with ketchup?) and you have to sit there, in the corner, the stupid seconds tick so slowly that you've literally starting to see hover cars, because you think you've waited so long that its now 2050. I just find that crazy. Time time time. What a silly thing.
You know what else? Yeah, okay I've said this like 20 times already, I'm a musician; I play the violin. So yeah, I do spend a lot of time practicing. The other day I had this huge audition, and it suddenly occurred to me that I've spent probably a hundred hours, at least, prepping for this audition. Do you know how long auditions last? Like five minutes. I've spent so long, learning this piece, that I am only going to play once, for five minutes. I guess this stresses the importance of time. Some moments may seem less important than others, but what if they all are equally important. Yes, if I had not spent the time to work for this audition, I probably wouldn't have made it. But also, what would all this practicing be for without the audition date looming? Or maybe here's what happened. It was the time invested in practicing that made the audition important.
Or maybe not. Who knows.
Okay so one last point. You know how people tell you that you have to enjoy every good moment and you can't take anything for granted? I almost don't believe that. Because think about it, if you do spend time appreciating everything, does it really seem that special? These days, when I sit down to start my homework, I miss being in 2nd grade and having to study for a spelling test where the words are like "clock, book, sock, tree" ahh. The good old days. But wouldn't it have been odd to be a second grader saying, "GEE! I'M SO LUCKY THAT I AM LEARNING HOW TO SPELL SOCK! OR BOOK! OR CLOCK! CORRECTLY!! INSTEAD OF STUDYING FOR AP HISTORY!!!" Wouldn't that just take all the fun away? It's like having Christmas every day. Sure you would get stuff every day (YOU WOULD GET STUFF EVERYDAY!!!) but doesn't that take away from the amazing feeling you get by spending time with your family? I don't know thats just me. Maybe I feel that the best moments are subconsciously enjoyed instead of "GOSH!-THIS-IS-THE-BEST-MOMENT-EVER-YAY!"-ly enjoyed.
But that's just me.
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