You know what I think? I think that "beautiful weather" is so overrated. Sure the sun is out, and the sky is a radiant shade of blue (so glorious and unique that you can find it in your Crayola 64 crayon set...remember how they had the crayon sharpeners in the boxes?!), but have you ever looked outside while its snowing really hard, or raining really hard and wondered, "What a cool shot that would be!" Well, I have. It's just that, I can't picture a world where it's sunny all the time. Sunny and perfect. Perfect? Puh-lease. I think that the rain, and the hailstorms, and the snow that goes up to your thighs, or barely covers the grass is one of the most beautiful parts of this earth. I love it when it is super foggy, and everything looks fuzzy and dark, with lights popping out emerging from the shadows. Think about it, everything looks different all the time. It makes everything worth looking at, everything worth taking a picture of.
I guess this relates to people too. One beauty standard? I think not. The thing that makes you different makes you beautiful. Your big nose, your bushy eyebrows, your thin lips...You think people are beautiful because they're in magazines? I kind of disagree. Do you think celebs who get nose jobs/botox are beautiful? If everyone conforms to one standard, where's the beauty if everyone looks the same? I think what this society needs to realize is that those of us who are not afraid to leave the house looking the way we do naturally are the most beautiful. Yeah, I have lopsided ears, and a big nose, and huge calves, but if I changed all that, who would I be?
Certainly not Fréd. =)
I hate it when its sunny. Especially when you are stuck inside a building for the whole day. The sun makes you feel lazy if you dont go out, but with gray or cloudy skies you feel a peace and serenity that you just cant get with the sun out. I feel that the sun is too busy, but clouds are so calming.
I <3 this post.
I <3 taking pictures of the simplest things just because in that one second of looking at them the light hits them just right and every thing is instentaniously perfect.
I live for those moments.
So to answer your questions love [lee].
I <3 your blog.
and I no currents improvements or info.
Do what your doing,
I <3 it.
this is interesting! and i have to agree! i think whatever weather mother nature gives us is beautiful, i find the most rainy days to be pretty.
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