This is so weird.
I'm sitting here arranging my music into various playlists on my laptop. I'm in my sister's room, on her chair. And sitting on her desk is a Louis V. It's a smallish bowler shape bag that my aunt gave her because she didn't want it anymore. And though it's just a bag, it gives me a lot to think about. For one, I am not really into "labels". Like Lee used to say, wearing a brand name across your "nugga nuggas" is just plain stupid. I do agree. I hate the coach purses with the C's all over them, and those stupid tees from those stupid stores with stupid phrases on them. "Blonde's do it better"...wow thanks for informing me. Of course, this post is about something different than just hating on Abercrombie, and American Eagle, and Hollister, because honestly, anyone could/would post something like that. This is specific to the Louis V that is still sitting on my sister's desk.
I don't know what to think of it. Half of me hates it, because of the little camel colored "LV"s dancing around the dark brown leather. It's just so...OOH LOOK AT ME AND HOW RICH I AM! This half of me insists that bags like this one belongs to the half of the fashionistas who use fashion for status, instead of enjoying it for it's art. "Your body is a canvas!", that half keeps reminding me. And it is true, well at least in my opinion, that your body IS a canvas, and that the clothes you put on your back is the art that you are making. (Putting outfits together, I believe, is an art in itself). Now, why cloud your precious canvas with something that takes command of the outfit you just put together. The labels, they stick out like the awkward pink sweater your grandmother made you for saint patrick's day last year. (One of those sweaters that will completely engulf you, and take total control of what you look like). It's the same with labels. They take control. They take credit for your creativity by insisting that they are partly responsible for whatever outfit you came up with. Why? Why would you ever wear something with..a label?
But at the same time, the other half is telling me that if worn with the right pieces of clothing (a very streamlined outfit comes to mind: dark dark dark skinny jeans, black pumps, a white ruffle-y shirt, and a very streamlined jacket paired off with some vogue-esque sunglasses) would actually look okay. It might even look classy, and sophisticated. And every girl wants to look classy and sophisticated. As much as I hate to admit this, it seems to me that this print is a classic. It seems like its been around forever, and will continue to be around. So is it so wrong?
My feelings are mixed.